Perception Management and SSB preparation

Updated on 03 April

SSB is a different and unique testing procedure if compared by other selection techniques across the world. Some people call it one of the easiest selection procedure while some call it one of the toughest. It's reality can be understood by the fact that it's selection ratio is very low even when it's aspirants already know what all it will consist in their testing. Candidates remain confused about it. "How to crack it" is the question which they keep on researching throughout the course of their SSB preparation.

SSB is not about competition, it is about selection. It is all about few aspects all of which will be covered in this blog one by one. The first aspect in that list is "Perception Management".

Perception of a person is the result of his/her personality or we can say perception differs person to person. When someone looks at an object or experiences a situation, he/she makes an image of it which is either negative or positive. There are also those who simply ignore these stimulus. This is the perception. And it's management is very important in all the phases of life.

In SSB, most of the people commit mistakes by distorting of their actual original perception. They most of the time percept the reverse of what they are actually shown. False perception leads to contradiction while accessing the personality. In real life one is supposed to perceive the reality in the way it is and to face it accordingly. There can be tough times in the life and if someone will perceive them as easy one then it can later on leads to disaster. That's why one should perceive the situation as it is shown to him/her. The after it will become easy to accept them and to face them.

There is a doubt which is expected to arise in your mind after completing the reading of the above content. Will percepting the negative stimulus negatively convey negative attitude of person? The answer is no. Perception and attitude both are different features of a person. One should always show positive attitude irrespective of the perception of the person. In Armed Forces one can't afford to ignore the challenges. Accepting the ground realities automatically gives strength to deal with them.

I hope that this will help you. There are lot of things to be discussed which will help you in your preparation for SSB. I will keep posting about that.


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