State of Mind and SSB preparation

Updated on 17Feb

The results which we get in our real life are the combined effect of our Hard Work, Perception and State of Mind. Now, you must be wondering what exactly this term "State of Mind" is. It is a psychological term which refers to the temporary cognitive process of our mind. In short, it refers to current thoughts/feelings in our mind. Our mind is privileged to get the full control of our body. Organs are mere resources which our mind keeps on using to accomplish different tasks in our routine work. Hence it becomes necessary to use our mind effectively. Whatever it keeps on going in our mind becomes the cause of the results we get in our life. A good State of Mind can help in each and every aspect of life. The same holds with SSB testing also.

In armed forces the life is tough. One has to face tough & hostile situations frequently. In those situations the state of mind of a person plays a vital role by deciding what action is required to solve the problem.

Good leaders are those who are active not only physically but also mentally. Hence it becomes a matter of prime importance to express a good intellectual level whenever it is required. One should always take right decisions within right duration, at right time and at right place. This is a quality which everyone should have to lead a life effectively.

Now the question is how to achieve a good state of mind?

Here are some ways which can help you in achieving this:

1. Look around you and discover the human potential. Today, each and everyone is facing different problems in their lives. But if you look around the world you will realize that your problem is nothing in front of what millions of people are facing around you. When you look beyond your problem then it will help you in changing you confined mindsets.

2. Indulge yourself in the world of happiness. Happiness level is one of the parameters which directly defines the perception of our mind. If you will be happy then you will find everything around you to be productive and worthy. You will have less complaints. Happiness doesn't cost anything. It can be achieved by many ways.

3. Feel others. Spending time in understanding people will not only give you experience about the life but also will give you a vision. It will make you more open minded.

4. Meditate. When you give peace to your mind it will do wonders. Meditation is tool which clears your thought process. It will also help you in organizing your thoughts.

5. Plan for the future. Whatever you do today is directly related to what you will get in future. You should relate your actions to your future. This will make your mind more effective.

6. Introspect. This is the key to success in SSB. One should invest a plenty of time in it.


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