By Abhishek Ray

Israel is a middle eastern country located between Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea and surrounded with Lebanon, Syria, Jordon, Palestine and Egypt. Surrounded with many enemy and hostile countries, Israel is vulnerable to a variety of external threats. This is the reason Israel treat it as a matter of high important to acquire the ability to protect its territory and its civilian from threats of such attacks.

In its history Israel has defended itself many times on the battle turf in different aggressive conflicts. The victory it has experienced has been an outcome of its highly trained military and the technology it has acquired gradually.

Proliferation of modernized weapons and sophisticated missiles, rockets and tanks across different countries which seems to hostile to it has forced Israel to boost up the defence sector. In pursuit of this it has developed its own active anti-missile technology which is highly capable of providing protection to the entire territory. Israel's missile defence doctrine constitute of modern advance next generation anti-missile systems built in collaboration with United States. It is used for early warning, passive defence and different other type of counter strike activities.

Here are some etails of Israel's missile defence system:-


TARGET- Short range rockets,Artillery/mortar shells (44 mile maximum distance)
MISSILE-TAMIR Interceptor with electro-optic sensors and numerous steering fins.
COMPONENTS-Tracking radar,Battle management control (BMC),firing unit.

OVERVIEW-It is a three piece system of interceptor batteries that shoots rocket out of the sky.A radar track the rocket as it is fired across the border into Israel and then advanced software predicts the rocket's trajectory.The information it provide is used to guide Tamir interceptor missiles,which are fired from the ground to blow the rocket into harmless pieces in the sky.


 TARGET-Medium to long range rockets(63-185 mile range).

MISSILE-STUNNER 2-stage interceptor with electro optical sensor an radar targeting.

OVERVIEW-The David-s sling defence system comprises 3 main parts:a multi-mission radar(MMR) used to detect and track incoming missiles;a battery of Stunner interceptor missiles to shoot them down down and a battle management centre to coordinate the action.

 It was designed to target incoming missiles during their terminal phase,unlike the Iron dome which
intercept missiles at their heighest trajectory.Its primary role is to intercept medium and long range ballestic and guided rockets.


TARGET- Long range ballestic missiles,high altitude nuclear warheads.

MISSILE-Arrow-3,with early warning radar,communication and control system.

OVERVIEW-The Arrow is designed to give Israel a full theatre ballestic missile defence capability.The original versions are(Arrow-1 and Arrow-2).But in 2008 the US and Israel began production of the Arrow-3 which is comprised of an exoatoshpheric interceptor and proportional navigation to directly target an incoming missile outside of the earth's atmosphere,thereby preventing collateral damage from impact with a nuclear warhead.

 The Arrow has greater accuracy(99% kill rate) and a longer targeting range(missiles of over 600 miles).


TARGET-High performance aircraft,mid and long range tactical ballestic missiles.

MISSILE-Surface to Air interceptor

OVERVIEW-The Patriot surface to air missile system also know as MIM-104.It is able to intercept and shoot down all types of aircraft,drones, helicoptors and fighter jets can all be targeted from a distance of 160 km.


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